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The Wine Bible by Karen MacNeil was one of the most influential wine books in my life.  Karen has a gift for passing knowledge by way of interesting stories and anecdotes and that is, after drinking it, my favorite way to learn.  

Those who know my wine tastes know that I’m not a huge Rhone guy (neither Northern nor Southern).  Though I can certainly appreciate them, big reds are not normally my go-to choice.  However, I do enjoy the occasion when I drift out of my norms and venture down a less traveled yet delightful path…

Last night it was Southern Rhone, in particular, Gigondas.  Domain des Bosquets, 2007 is a wonderful example of what the small towns of S. Rhone can produce.  MS MacNeil has an anthropomorphic talent for describing wines through human features and these descriptions always stuck with me—so here goes my country girl from Gigondas.  If the debate is Ginger or Mary Ann, Gigondas is definitely Mary Ann.  She’s the Beach Boys’ Midwest Farmer’s Daughter.  She’s country before country was cool; more comfortable in a pair of jeans and boots than a dress and heels.  What the hell does this all mean?  Well, this wine brings the countryside to you in the glass—a bucolic taste of the land and its inhabitants.  This particular wine is slightly demurring with more of a resemblance to the cherry fruit and elegance of Burgundy than the darker fruit/pepper tendencies typical of many mostly grenache with a touch of syrah blends.  The tannins are softened and the acidity is present if you look for it.  The rustic elements of the country (saddle leather, animals, hay…) are there but you have to get a lot closer than a handshake and then, certainly not in a bad way.  Ultimately, this wine comes across not as a flashy seductress (sorry Ginger) but as a wholesomely understated yet inviting girl next door (who happens to be home).  If you are interested in an enticing relationship from the Southern Rhone, consider knocking on the Gigondas’ door.

Jerry Lasco

Born to an Air Force pilot. Became an Air Force pilot. Amazing adventures all over the world. Then an airline pilot, lived in NYC, culinary school, studied wine. Started a unique wine bar in Houston called The Tasting Room. Entrepreneur--Max's Wine Dive, Boiler House, The Black Door... Two great kids, and dozens of businesses later, still deeply engrained in the restaurant business but looking forward to the next chapter. I'm in search of...